Plant spring bedding to get next year's display under way. There are lots of bare-root plants and plugs on the garden centre shelves right now, and since they're all hardy and can overwinter where you plant them it's a really economical way of making sure your garden is packed with colour early in the year. Here are some of the best:
Wallflowers: The familiar sprays of these beautifully scented cottage garden favourites set off tulips a treat. Choose from sumptuous single colours, like 'Blood Red', or cheery mixes to brighten up your borders.
Daisies (Bellis): The cheeky pompoms of bedding daisies are a delightful sight from February to April, and come in shades from pure white through pink to deepest wine-red.
Forget-me-nots: Frothy blue, pink or white flowers, each with a yellow or white eye, carpet your garden right through spring and are another perfect partner for tulips and daffodils.
Polyanthus: Among the most brilliantly-coloured spring bedding flowers, these come in every colour you can think of, including blues, purples, oranges and creamy yellow.
Viola: Generous, easy-to-grow pansies flower sporadically all winter long, with another burst in spring. Choose from large-flowered types with big, showy blooms or smaller, daintier varieties including the native wildflower heartsease.