Did you know that autumn is a great time for planting and transplanting? The soil is still warm and moist. In terms of gardening, you can consider autumn as the second spring. And by planting (or 'potting') spring bulbs now, you'll have some early anticipation and a colourful start to the new gardening season!
A great tip from Chris Whitelock, resident plant expert at Radway Bridge Garden Centre. Here are more:
Top Gardening Tips for October
- Feed birds with high-calorie feed to build up fat reserves. You can find a range of foods and feeders in-store and online. Clean with soap, warm water and a brush.
- Put winter cheer into the home with houseplants. Keep those green fingers occupied and create a healthier indoor environment. Why? Houseplants improve air quality in a closed area - a fact verified by a recent NASA study! We have a range of houseplants in-store. For those already up and running - browse our range of plant care products. From Bonsai to Orchid Care, we have all your needs covered.
- Gathering up leaves and put them onto the compost heap. We have all you need in-store to help create your black magic! Compost activators, leaf grabbers, lawn rakes, compost bins.
- Clear leaves from the gutters. This will prevent blockages in gutterings and leaks, which could save you thousands in home maintenance bills.
- Picking and storing apples is a rewarding task for October. Store your apples in a cold and humid spot such as an unheated basement, cellar, unheated garage, or even a cool room with the radiator turned off.
- Prune back bush roses, which may have put on leggy growth. Leggy roses are susceptible to wind damage in the Autumn gale season and can suffer breakage, which may lead to infection.
- Plant evergreen plants and shrubs. There is a host of attractive and varied evergreen trees, shrubs, and perennials you can plant now. Drop into Radway Bridge Garden Centre and choose cyclamens, heathers, conifers and other plants that will deliver the dazzle your garden needs in the bleak winter months.