Hardy Fuchsias are an absolute must for brightening borders in summer. They flourish in full sun or semi shade and flower continuously throughout summer until early autumn. Varieties are available with decorative foliage to complement the colourful nodding flowers. Fuchsias are an excellent choice for containers as well as borders. In terms of care, they are pretty undemanding. A potassium-rich liquid feed will help to maintain the flowering display (tomato food or a hanging basket feed is fine) and is best applied fortnightly. The removal of faded flowers is important as if the plants are allowed to set seed, the flowering display will be reduced.
Fuchsias suffer from few pests and diseases; their biggest enemy is the vine weevil whose larvae can eat the roots of the plants. If growth is poor and the plants wilt regularly, lift the plants out of the soil or compost and search for the creamy white crescent shaped larvae. Carefully pick out the larvae and replant the affected plants as soon as possible.
Pruning hardy Fuchsias is simple, ass soon as growth commences in spring, prune the plants hard leaving only a few centimetres of growth above ground. Fuchsias flower on new wood so this brutal treatment promotes luxuriant flowering.